Faithful provider

Four years ago (and a few days) I landed back in SA for the first ‘permanent’ time. The jacarandas were starting to bloom, spring rains were starting and God’s faithfulness and provision in my life so far had astounded me; my expectations and dreams for life in SA were big, scary and exciting.

Four years later, now married, I sit in Dundee, a small town in KZN; the jacarandas are starting to flower again, the spring rains are starting and God’s provision and faithfulness continue to astound me.

When we drive back to Dundee from wherever we often comment that it feels like Dundee is in the middle of nowhere on the way to nowhere. But we love it here. Four years ago marriage and Dundee was not on my radar or in my plan – a lot has changed in the last few years.

Nearly two weeks ago I was preaching and we are going through a series at church called ‘God breaking in…’, my topic for that week was God’s provision, God breaking into our finances, our needs, our situations and providing. In preparing I once again became overwhelmed at God’s goodness and faithfulness in providing in some many varied and diverse aspects of my life. As I preached and shared stories about my own life and the lives of others, John sat on the front row at church and became tearful as he also remember God’s faithfulness in his family through farm invasions, economic collapse, moving countries to go to university and so much more. We began to reflect on God’s provision and his goodness, and it is overwhelming. God is so good to us.

God in his nature is provider. He provides for us – from the very beginning of time when he clothed Adam and Eve in the garden to giving us his son Jesus who gave his life for us so we may live in freedom and relationship with him, to providing his holy spirit to guide, comfort, etc.

I have seen God’s faithfulness in providing for me in so many ways over my life and it still continues to amaze and astound me the way God works. From providing finances for a car, plane tickets, rent, car repairs, daily living; friends who are like family away from home; a husband; peace in the darkest of nights; people at work who have captured the vision and heart for education; funding for projects to run and salaries to be paid; pencils and rubbers at work when we have just been about to run out with no money to buy more – God has provided beyond what I could ever expect or imagine.

I love the life of Abraham and his devotion to God. I think there is so much we can learn from the way he lived his life as a response to his God – because of what God did for him, Abraham lived a life of faith which was counted to him as righteousness, and Abraham saw God provide is many many ways – he knew and experienced the faithfulness of God.

Out of his love for God Abraham …

  1. Trusted God – with EVERYTHING he had (sometimes tried to take matters into his own hands, as we all do) but he trusted God, with his life, his family, his purpose, God’s promises – he trusted God would provide. Hudson Taylor was a missionary to China in 1800’s – the only way to get there was to get by ship and it took months. He started a hospital there among other things and one day his cook came to him and said that they had just started their last bag of rice and there was no money for any more. Hudson’s response was to pray, he trusted God for a solution, he prayed and then went back to work. The next day a letter arrived from England with money in it to be used for whatever was needed. The person who sent the letter was prompted six months earlier to give and it arrived at the God appointed time for its use.
  2. Was obedient to God – Abraham left his homeland when God called him out. He took his son up the mountain to be sacrificed as God asked and used the ram God then provided. He was obedient to God’s voice.
  3. Had a kingdom priority – God came first – God comes first. Matthew 6:33 – seek FIRST  the KINGDOM of God and all things will be added to you. To have a kingdom priority we have got to trust God and be obedient to him. Abraham followed God’s call on his life – left his homeland and he actually had everything he needed in life. His priority was for what God wanted for his life. It’s like when we put God’s kingdom first everything else can be all over the place, but God’s kingdom first and everything else falls into line behind
  4. Tithed – he gave to God through the church 10% of what he had to glorify God. This response wasn’t a forced one or a lawful one – he gave because God was powerful, mighty, worthy to be praised and worshiped. There’s something of tithing that is giving back to God what is already his and in doing that showing our trust in God and reliance on him for our everyday and financial needs. Tithing is worship to God, glorifying him.
  5. Gave generously – Abraham took his nephew Lot with him when he left the land of his fathers and when they arrived at the place God had appointed Abraham let Lot chose where he would like to live and Lot chose the best places (water, land, grazing) and Abraham let him have it. He wasn’t stingy and tight with what he had, but saw how he could bless others. 2 Corinthians 9:6 – the point is this, whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. We should give and live generously with however much or little we have.

God is our faithful provider – how do we live our lives in response to this? I am continually challenged daily to trust, be obedient, put God’s kingdom first, tithe and be generous because God first loved me and gave EVERYTHING for me.

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